More likely than not, you recently graduated college and just started your full-time job. Or maybe you have been in your full-time job for some time, but it is hard to structure and balance your time to make the most of it. You find yourself sitting on the couch to relax for one minute but realize an hour has passed. You’re not as happy as you used to be, and this is just a new world to navigate. If this sounds like you, then this productive daily routine to implement after work is for you. This daily routine after work keeps you feeling energized and motivated to get things done that mean the most to you.
What’s Changed
Since graduating college and entering the corporate workforce, a lot has changed from what you have been used to in your adult life. You no longer have the complete flexibility you did in university, you have to wake up at the same time every day, you have to go to work, you are working for someone else, you sit all day, and the list goes on and on.
We’ve gone from having complete autonomy of our schedule in college to having it structured once again by someone else. And as brown girls, we appreciate our independence and flexibility so going back to being at the mercy of someone else’s schedule can be hard. Here’s what to do to start enjoying your daily routine after work.
Give Yourself a Thirty-Minute Break
After you end your work day, give yourself time to just relax. Use this time to recharge your “battery” after the work day, but limit it to about thirty minutes. Otherwise, you won’t feel like getting off the couch.
Take thirty minutes to scroll on your phone, read, or do something that helps you decompress from the work day. If you have a commute, take the time to implement this tip. If you work remotely, give yourself the flexibility of not going onto your computer for a bit. I love reading on my kindle or then calling a friend or your family for some time.
Move Your Butt to the Gym
I am a huge advocate for working out after the workday. I have tried waking up early and working out, going during my lunch break, and even later in the evening. However, the most sustainable time has been after work. If I go in the mornings, I typically feel exhausted by mid-day and if I go during lunch I feel like I don’t always have enough time. So, although according to Ayurveda, the morning is the best time to work out for your body, I find the afternoons to be ideal for my schedule and routine.
After your 30-minute break, implement changing and working out in your daily routine after work. Whether it is stretching, strength training, or pilates, a workout at this time of day gives me the adrenaline rush and boost of energy I need to push through the rest of the day. If you are a corporate brown girl trying to balance work, life, and more, try working out just a little bit after work and see how it goes.
After these workouts, I find myself more motivated to get tasks done on my personal to-do list and make headway on projects and side hustles.
Sleep at the Same Time
This might be one of the hardest tips to implement in your daily routine after work, but sleeping at the same time every night gives your body the much-needed structure it craves. It lets your body start winding down naturally which will give you better sleep at night. Since I have to wake up around 6:30 am every morning, I try to be in bed and ready to sleep by 10 pm. This means I start my night routine around 9 pm which includes cleaning my apartment, doing my skincare, and reading for some time. As soon as I start these tasks, my body knows that I am getting ready to end the day, and therefore by the time 10 pm rolls around, I am ready to pass out.
Sleep schedules need to be predictable for your Cyradiam rhythm to be happy. And when your Cyradiam rhythm is happy, you get better sleep, you have less stress, your body doesn’t hurt as much, your mood is improved, your immune system is strong, and the list goes on. Sleep is so important to maintaining good mental health, physical health, and staying productive day after day. So, try sleeping around the same time in your daily routine after work as much as possible.
{Related Post: 7 Healthy Habits for Your Productive Morning Routine}
Decompress Right Before Sleeping
Perhaps the best things I have implemented in my daily routine after work as a brown girl in the corporate world are the 5 minutes I take to myself right before switching off the lights for the night.
First, keep a journal next to your bed and write down three exciting or positive things that happened in that day. This helps you reflect on happy moments and end the day on a good note. Not only is this great for your mental health, but it also helps you destress and release negativity. Plus, it is an easy and efficient way to create a memory journal and look back on all your fun life moments.
Second, lay flat on your back, close your eyes, and take five deep breaths. In each breath, try to focus on a different area of your body such as your head, shoulders, lower back, legs, and feet. Take slow, deep, controlled breaths and feel the tension and stress leave your body. Doing this as a part of my daily routine after work helps put me right to sleep. Try this out if you have trouble falling asleep at night.
Daily Routine After Work
Here’s what a typical routine looks like for me after work. See if you can implement any of it and let me know if you have found some positive improvements.
- 4 pm: log off work
- 4:30 pm: change and head to the gym
- 5:30 pm: come home and shower
- 6 pm: cook dinner, eat, and finish personal tasks
- 9 pm: clean apartment and get ready for bed
- 9:30 pm: hop into bed, start reading, and decompress
- 10/10:30 pm: lights out
This routine gives me at least one hour to myself and another few hours to make progress on my to-do list.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found this daily routine after work to be helpful as a brown girl trying to take charge of her life. Changing routines and starting a corporate job can be tiring, stressful, and new, but it is something to learn from. This routine has helped me stay happy, productive, and energetic as I am not only consumed by work. This way I can still enjoy my hobbies, take on side hustles, and practice self-care. Let me know if this has helped you too!
With love,
Aditi <3
Aditi Rani – Figuring Out Life in Your Twenties
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